Jul 27 2005

Day 2


Good start today. A hearty Snickers bar for breakfast, and I was off and rolling by 9 am. The weather was good most of the way. I managed to skirt all of the rain promised by The Weather Channel. Debated a sidetrip to Birmingham, but I still hadn’t contacted Alabama Rick, so I cruised on by that exit (knowing full well there would be hell to pay for this…rightly so). Before I got that far though, there was the Florida I10 rest stop at mile marker 162. The exit ramp was more than a mile long. Why is this park out in the middle of nowhere? Why is a park being used as a rest stop? Who knows. From there is was on to Pensicola, and then, finally, I was out of Florida.

Swee-tea, hon?

I stopped for lunch at one of the first exits in ‘bama. I decided to set the balance aright by eating at a Waffle House this time. It was quite respectable looking by Waffle House standards (are there really any other standards?).

Welcome to Mississippi

One of the poorest states has one of the most impressive welcome centers I’ve ever seen. I wanted to get a room there. The lady at the desk, however, was Manhattan condescending. I thought to myself, “You’re living and working Mississippi; what do you have to be condescending about?” I never quite figured out whose insecurites were at work–too many miles to travel to worry about it.

The Big Easy

Finally past all the river deltas and bridges and into New Orleans. An hour later than I had planned because of frequent stops. On the other hand, I gained an hour because of the time change. (I’m an hour closer to LA. Yippee.) In the meantime, the hotel I’d planned to stay at was booked because I never make a reservation because I couldn’t figure out exactly when I would be in town and I didn’t want to commit myself to a schedule that would make this whole trip seem like work. Not to worry (geek alert), my Sony Ericsson P910 is full of info I collected on my last trip. Between that and a little judicious surfing, I found a guest house I’d scouted out on that trip. Cool. Dropped off my bags, parked the bike, showered and changed.

A Starlit Afternoon

Went out right away looking for something to eat. I chose fluid sustenance at Starlight bar. Two dollar drafts–it was love at first sight. Actually, it was second sight. I was there on my last trip. It’s a fairly neighborhoody bar. The bartender seemed to have missed all the mandatory, childhood, gender identity classes. Long hair tucked under a baseball cap, red t-shirt covering small breasts, jeans holding up a small potbelly and a man’s tenor voice. (Seems to be a theme. The bartender I had 2 years ago was much the same. He was 6’4″ or so–no potbelly here–hairy and had a deep voice. He, also, was dressed as a guy. He said he was beyond sex and gender and just looking for a man who could handle that. I realized that sentence was my cue to leave.) At any rate, by the time I left on this trip, the sun was still out. I grabbed a bite and spent an hour or two perusing the denizens of N.O.

I was too tired to drink any more, so I made it an early night.

Thought for the Day
A while back, a friend told me what he thought were the two drivers for the human race: sex and bench press. I totally agreed with “sex”; I wasn’t so sure about bench press, but I could see the logic. That was a while back. Presently, I think the drivers are probably pretty much pleasure and power.

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