Jul 29 2005

Day 4: Bound for Houston

The Long Haul
July 28: New Orleans to Houston. Long ride today. One of the two longest ones planned for the entire trip. The longest will be the stretch from Austin to Ft. Stockton.

Notable Sightings
1. Almost no motorcycles traveled along this strip. There were maybe three sightings all day.
2. Ten miles east of Beaumont, a truck was pulled over by the police. An unlucky, pudgy Latino guy was in handcuffs; the back of the truck was open to reveal a car inside; and the Boss Hog-looking trooper did not appear to have any trace of humor.
3. There is an 18 mile stretch of road over a swamp west of Baton Rouge. How did people get through here 60 years ago?
4. Louisiana places these signs along the road where there are workers: Be Careful My Daddy Works Here. I couldn’t see one without hearing these words (in the voice of Raven O or Tennessee Williams): Yes, I know, honey; I know.
5. I10 in the Florida panhandle is the most “nurturing” section of road to date. The trees grow close to the road, seeming to embrace it. Louisiana’s road’s seem indifferent. By Texas, the shades of green, while they haven’t disappeared, no longer dominate the scenery. The greys, blacks and ecrus of the roadway become the dominant feature. There’s plenty of green still out there, but it’s not nearly as inviting.

Houston Ain’t So Bad
The Montrose(?) section of town seems OK. The bed and breakfast is within walking distance of quite a few restaurants and bars. The house itself is great. Very unexpected. Friendly crowd at breakfast and some friendly, safe conversation from grandparents who came from Louisiana to see The Phantom of the Opera. One guy came in briefly to wolf down his cereal. Short, a little soft around the middle and bearded, he seemed very NYC.

And Another Thing
I think Mariah and Trent should have a child. That could produce some interesting tunes.

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